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There is a potential of repeating the existing urban life in north-south direction along the coast on the green continuity of Muammer Aksoy Park and Public Garden. Such a development would nourish the urban life. This second axis that will be formed would start from Public Garden, continue through the historic city center in the south and connect to the Çarşı Street.

These 2 public axes are naturally connected to each other through streets that are perpendicular to the coastline and parks. These axes will provide transition in this area, providing variety and vividness to the urban life. One of these connector streets starts from the pier and Urban Square in the west, continues through Demircioğlu Street and culminates at the Cumhuriyet Square just south of the Arcade and Urban Center. Another connector starts from the coast on the west, continues parallel to Public Garden and culminates at Muammer Aksoy Park just west of the Arcade and Urban Center. The Arcade and Urban Center which is situated between these two significant axes connects these axes in north-south direction, completing the green axis that is developed in parallel to the coast line.

In this context, considering the commercial density on ground floor, the main design strategy departs from the idea of taking in the dense public movement on nearby green areas into the building via an interaction courtyard and distributing this movement to all levels of the building. This idea is developed through 2 main design acts.

1. A linear continuation of Muammer Aksoy Park into the building mass,
2. Continuation of the pedestrian movement that is taken in through all the levels.

The central core of the building is a void which constitutes an extension of Muammer Aksoy Park. This interaction courtyard can reach all levels and all spaces in the building, therefore the building turns into a continuation of the urban realm in vertical. Interaction courtyard is an in-between space, where all shops and social spaces can be opened, interior and exterior are blended into each other, and the borders are blurred.

Competition Project
Çanakkale, Turkey, 2018

Function: Commercial / Social / Cultural

Design Team: Onur Yüncü, Zeynep Eraydın, Hilmi Yüncü

Contributors: Ali Ateş, Elif Ezgi Öztürk, Kübra Sönmez, Fatih Açacak, Didar Çayır, Hatice Öz

Area: 24.700 m²

Services: Design

Status: Design


© 2024 Onur Yüncü Architects // Onur Yüncü Mimarlık

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